man on horn and woman on guitar play instruments in front of a porch
Kate Morrison & Gavin Bondy perform during the 2020 Porchfest series in Milwaukie. (Photo by Hamid Shibata Bennett)

There are many great ways to get involved with Porchfest:


Have a performance talent you want to share with your neighbors? Music, theater, poetry readings, plein air painting – be creative! Let us know and we’ll add you to our map. Don’t have a location? That’s ok – we’ll find you a porch! To sign up, please fill out this form.


If you’ve got a great location to share with a performer, let us know! We’ll play matchmaker to bring porch and performer together. You will be able to accept or decline to host any bands we suggest. To sign up as a host porch, please fill out this form.


The Milwaukie Arts Committee could use help putting out and picking up Porchfest yard signs and getting the word out about the event.

If you can help, email us at