What is Porchfest?
Porchfest is a free festival of performances on porches, driveways and public spaces across Milwaukie. People are encouraged to walk or bike their neighborhoods, meet their neighbors, and share their talents with the community. Anyone with a performing talent – singers, guitar players, comedians, youth performers and dancers – is invited to participate by performing from their porch, driveway or front yard.
The all-volunteer Milwaukie Arts Committee organizes Porchfest. The event started in 2020 during the pandemic. Because traditional concerts were not possible, Porchfest was comprised of short, informal concerts – decentralized across the city – to encourage people to keep moving in small groups and enjoy an outdoor experience.
How does it work?
Anyone can participate in Porchfest! If you have a porch (or front yard or driveway). Email us at [email protected] with:
– The address where you’ll be performing
– The name of your group and a brief description of what you’ll be doing
– Which date or dates you’ll perform (Porchfest occurs during the last three Fridays in July)
– Which time slot you’ll perform (6:30-7:30 pm, 7:30-8:30 pm, or the full two hours, 6:30-8:30 pm)
We will add your information to our map of locations. About a week before your concert or show, volunteers will drop off a Porchfest yard sign and door hangers so you can let your neighbors know about your upcoming performance.
I don’t live in Milwaukie. Can I still perform?
Yes! We have various “host porches” (neighbors with front yards or businesses with outdoor space) that will welcome performers. Performers are volunteers and generally must provide their own sound and equipment. If you’d like to learn more about available porches, contact us so we can find a place for you.
How can I support the artists?
Our performers are volunteers! Artists are encouraged to share their Cashapp or Venmo handles (or an old-fashioned tip jar) to receive gratuity, and are also invited to sell music and merch at their events.